Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
173 lines
DefInt A-Z
' this is an example of simple btrieve data file that will be created if it does not exist
' the visual basic program show an example of a simple form for entering names and addresses.
' the program require the btrieve for windows dll you may download from NOVLIB but not distribute
' written by j highsmith, RRT Softcare Corporation Griffin, GA 1404-412-0827 FAX, Voice or Message
Rem Operation codes
Global Const bopen = 0
Global Const bclose = 1
Global Const binsert = 2
Global Const bupdate = 3
Global Const bdelete = 4
Global Const bgetequal = 5
Global Const bgetnext = 6
Global Const bprevious = 7
Global Const bgetgreater = 8
Global Const bgetgreaterorequal = 9
Global Const bGetLessThan = 10
Global Const bgetLessThanOrEqual = 11
Global Const bfirst = 12
Global Const blast = 13
Global Const bcreatenew = 14
Global Const bstat = 15
Global Const bstop = 25
Global Const breset = 28
Global Const bcreateSupIndex = 31
Global Const bdropSupIndex = 32
Global Const bxGetNext = 36
Global Const bxinsert = 40
Rem Key Flag%
Global Const dup% = 1
Global Const modifiable% = 2
Global Const bin% = 4
Global Const nul% = 8
Global Const segment% = 16
Global Const seq% = 32
Global Const dec% = 64
Global Const sup% = 128
Global Const exttype% = 256
Global Const manual% = 512
Global Const bstring% = 0
Global Const binteger% = 1
Global Const bfloat% = 2
Global Const bdate% = 3
Global Const btime% = 4
Global Const bdecimal% = 5
Global Const bnumeric% = 8
Global Const bzstring% = 11
Global Const bautoinc% = 15
Global Const MAXKEYS% = 9
Type PosBlk
PBelements As String * 128
End Type
Type KeyBuffer
filename As String * 64
End Type
Declare Function wbtrvinit Lib "wbtrcall.dll" (init As Any) As Integer
Declare Function wbtrvstop Lib "wbtrcall.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function btrcall Lib "wbtrcall.dll" (ByVal op%, Pb As PosBlk, Db As Any, Dl As Integer, Kb As Any, ByVal Kl%, ByVal Kn%) As Integer
Declare Function StretchBlt Lib "gdi" (ByVal destdc%, ByVal destx%, ByVal desty%, ByVal destwd%, ByVal destht%, ByVal srcdc%, ByVal srcx%, ByVal srcy%, ByVal srcwd%, ByVal srcht%, ByVal rop&) As Integer
Global Const srccopy = &HCC0020
Global Const DSTINVERT = &H550009
Global Const SRCERASE = &H440328
Global Const BLACKNESSsrc = &H42
Global Const notsrcerase = &H1100A6
Global Const notsrccopy = &H330008
Global Const patinvert = &H5A0049
Global Const srcinvert = &O660046
Global Const srcand = &H8800C6
Global Const mergepaint = &HBB0226
Global Const mergecopy = &HC00CA
Global Const scrpaint = &HEE0086
Global Const patcopy = &HF00021
Global Const patpaint = &HFB0A09
Global Const whitenessSrc = &HFF0062
Type CustomerRecord
CustomerIDNumber As String * 10
FirstName As String * 20
Lastname As String * 20
initial As String * 1
company As String * 30
address As String * 30
city As String * 20
state As String * 2
zip As String * 10
telephone As String * 12
End Type
Type FileSpecifications
RecLen As Integer
PageSize As Integer
IndxCnt As Integer
NotUsed As String * 4
FileFlags As Integer
Reserved As String * 2
Allocation As Integer
KeyPosition0 As Integer
KeyLength0 As Integer
KeyFlags0 As Integer
KeyTot0 As Long
KeyType0 As Integer
Reserved0 As String * 4
KeyPosition1 As Integer
KeyLength1 As Integer
KeyFlags1 As Integer
KeyTot1 As Long
KeyType1 As Integer
Reserved1 As String * 4
KeyPosition2 As Integer
KeyLength2 As Integer
KeyFlags2 As Integer
KeyTot2 As Long
KeyType2 As Integer
Reserved2 As String * 4
KeyPosition3 As Integer
KeyLength3 As Integer
KeyFlags3 As Integer
KeyTot3 As Long
KeyType3 As Integer
Reserved3 As String * 4
KeyPosition4 As Integer
KeyLength4 As Integer
KeyFlags4 As Integer
KeyTot4 As Long
KeyType4 As Integer
Reserved4 As String * 4
KeyPosition5 As Integer
KeyLength5 As Integer
KeyFlags5 As Integer
KeyTot5 As Long
KeyType5 As Integer
Reserved5 As String * 4
KeyPosition6 As Integer
KeyLength6 As Integer
KeyFlags6 As Integer
KeyTot6 As Long
KeyType6 As Integer
Reserved6 As String * 4
End Type
Global init As String * 64
Global PositionBlock As PosBlk
Global KeyBuf As KeyBuffer
Global FileBuf As FileSpecifications
Global DataBuf As CustomerRecord
Global Const SubFields = 10
Global KeyNum As Integer